
May 14, 2009



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: Pickup

Just wanted to post real quick and say thanks to everyone who has emailed or called in the last few days. Your support and appreciation does not go unnoticed.

A lot of guys are also asking about stacking and where to find my old articles on it. I’ve been coming up with some really interesting stuff on that lately. New ways to teach it, subtle things that make it work or not work, etc. It’s odd but the better my own game gets, the less I stack and simultaneously the more I realize that I’d never have gotten here if I hadn’t learned to stack in the beginning. It’s a double edged sword.

Some of you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.

“Stacking” refers to Routine Stacking, which is the process where you script out the first few minutes of your conversations so that you don’t freeze up when you approach a group of women. The interesting thing about it is that the main benefit ISN’T that you know what to say — it’s that it frees up your brain to focus on the important things: body language, tonality, and non-verbal communication.

Remember that only about 7% of communication is the words that you say.

I’ll be releasing new versions of my routine stacking series soon, but in the meantime, take a look at the old posts:

Natural Stacking via Mehow’s Blog (12345)

P.S. RSS/Atom feeds are up. Check links on left hand side of the page. Don’t know what RSS is? Get with the times..


May 9, 2009



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News

Yes, the rumors are true.

I have officially resigned as the chief instructor for Mehow Inc. in order to teach on my own and pursue my own dreams and goals. I learned a lot during my time there but I had become comfortable and my own growth was slowing. It was time to move on to bigger and better things. I wish them all the best.

What that means for you guys is that I’m now offering better training for less money because I don’t have the overhead of a huge bureaucracy to deal with. Additionally, I am now free to teach whatever I want, which means that I can teach all the things I’ve wanted to but couldn’t because they weren’t part of the official curriculum.

So all in all, I’m pretty excited about the opportunities I have coming up.

As far as training goes, I’m about to release both my new boot camp schedule and details on my new Continual Training Programs so stick around for that.

I’ll also be writing new articles every week so if you guys have topics you’d like to see here, post ’em in the comments section.

P.S. RSS is coming soon as soon as i figure out how to configure it….



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: General

So I need a first post, since everyone is saying my ‘stfu I made a post’ post is not a real first post. Ha, I think I was actually trying to see how many times I could write the word ‘post’ in one sentence. A lot, apparently. But I digress.

So who am I?

And why should you care?

I suppose that depends on who you are and who you ask. For most people reading this blog, DJ Fuji is the pen name and alter ego of a man dedicated to improving his life and the lives of others through social and personal development. And yes, I do enjoy talking about myself in the 3rd person. 🙂

I created this blog to share my thoughts and expand my reach and influence as a coach and teacher. And to rant about inane bullshit. But that’ll come later.

By most accounts, I led a fairly normal childhood. I went to public school in southern california, I loved to ride bikes and play in the sand, and I had great parents who taught me many of life’s most important lessons. But unfortunately, being attractive, charming, and “cool” weren’t part of that lesson plan. In fact, my parents actively discouraged me from wearing anything remotely brand named or from “hanging out” with friends. It was as if they were doing everything in their power to make me a loser.

I still remember wearing a “tofu” t-shirt to school in 7th grade and being ridiculed so harshly that I vowed then and there that I’d never let my future kids wear stupid shit like that to school. It’s funny now, but at the time it just felt traumatizing.

My parents always dismissed my abysmal social skills by saying that I’d grow out of it. “Don’t worry about it,” they’d say. “Just be yourself and everything will be fine.”

High school came and went and despite being a varsity athlete, I graduated without ever having held a girl’s hand before. Much less kissed a girl or had sex. I’m not sure I’d ever even TOUCHED a girl by that point except by accident or when I had to. I was the ultimate “synthetic,” meaning that I possessed no natural or innate skills with attracting the opposite sex.

Then a year into the Marines, I literally “got lucky” and held a girl’s hand for the first time, kissed a girl for the first time, and lost my virginity. All in one weekend. I don’t even want to know how much longer I’d be a virgin if I hadn’t run into that girl by accident. But after that, I was on cloud 9. I even managed to find a girlfriend a year later and somehow managed to keep her around for the next few years.

But without the social skills to back things up, she eventually lost interest and ended up cheating.

Heartbroken, dejected, and confused, I realized one day that I was a 23 year old man with the social ability of a 10 year old.

I decided to do something about it. I googled everything I could find on meeting women and finding a girlfriend. That search took me down the rabbit hole of the seduction community and began a journey of self improvement for me.

Over the next 4+ years I dedicated myself to learning, growing, and developing the skills I never thought you could learn. I had always thought that you either ‘had it’ or didn’t. And if you didn’t, you were condemned to live a life of celibacy and loneliness.

For me, the community represented more than just picking up girls. It represented HOPE. It represented the idea that you could change things; that you could improve your lot in life.

I was fortunate enough to learn from and train with the greatest social artists, naturals, and ladies men in the world. Some of you may be familiar with pseudonyms like Mystery, Sinn, Lovedrop, BradP, and others. As a result, my individual methodology is a jeet-kune-do-style combination of the best of the best along with my own developments and ideas.

Over the last two years, I served as the chief instructor and head coach for Mehow Inc where I led seminars, workshops, “boot camps,” and individual training around the world. I also co-founded and ran the Certified Instructor Program where I recruited and trained new instructors from the ground up.

I now teach and coach as a free agent under my company, The Tao of DJ Fuji. You may have seen or heard of me on The Dr. Phil Show, VH1, Vince Kelvin’s Podcasts, The Charming Rogue Interview Series, or The Annual Pickup Summit in Hollywood.

My job is to change and improve the lives of my clients through social empowerment, exposure therapy, live coaching, and a myriad of other techniques and practices. It is one part Tony Robbins-esque motivational speaker, one part life coach, and one part “pick up” instructor.

I invite you to explore a glimpse into the Tao of DJ Fuji.



February 13, 2009

Procrastination No More

1 comment

Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: Uncategorized

After more than a year of being hounded to create my own blog (and procrastinating on it), I finally did it.

Now stop yer bitching

More to come later.


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