
Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: General

New feature I’m starting here on my blog. At the beginning of each week, I’m going to be posting a quick “tip of the week”. It’s going to be a short little “golden nugget” that you can immediately implement into your social repertoire.

Today’s tip is semi-obvious to a lot of people and yet I still see this happening every day:

Stop talking like a little kid lest you be treated like one.

This mainly applies to text-based communication (email/text messaging). I don’t care if your friends say “i kno” or “wat r you doing?” I’ve never heard of a single woman who finds that sexy. Even if the GIRL does it, you shouldn’t. If you want to use an ampersand (&) instead of the word “and”, then that’s fine. If you want to abbreviate long words (‘appt’ = ‘appointment’), or even use an “lol” sometimes, fine. But talking like a texting 13 year-old does nothing for you or your game. It actually hurts things. [Read More]



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: Pickup

Routines, scripts, lines, things to say. Some love ‘em, some hate ‘em, nearly everyone misunderstands them.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a routine is simply a memorized script of varying length. So in essence, both our kneejerk “fine” response to “how are you?” and a memorized, pre-scripted story are routines. One is simply longer and more complex than the other. Obviously, all of us use routines in one way or another.

Routines (whether yours or someone else’s) can also take the form of being canned, meaning that you’ve practiced them over and over again until you can deliver them well, or Stock, which means they’re generic, off-the-shelf scripts, usually created by others. Both can be very useful tools, especially if you don’t have a lot of natural talent.

Now before we move on, let’s take a quick quiz. [Read More]


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Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News,Pickup,Training NYC Subway – 3/13/2010. Taken with Panasonic DMC-ZS3 (handheld).

Currently on a 1-on-1 here in NYC but wanted to give you guys a quick update on happenings around here.

I’ll be doing a free seminar/workshop tomorrow (3/14/2010) at 4:30PM in NYC. I guess it’s not technically free because they’re asking for a $14 donation to help cover the costs of the seminar room, but I’m speaking entirely pro-bono (no charge). I’ll also be giving away over $1000 worth of free stuff! If you’re in the NYC area, you won’t want to miss it.

I’ll be covering things like:

  • The simple technique you can learn in 10 minutes that will eliminate 90% of flakey phone numbers
  • The keys to transitioning your interactions OUT of platonic-friend-zones
  • Why the vast majority of guys fail in pickup… and what you can do to avoid being a statistic
  • A complete breakdown of kinesthetic communication – how to touch, where to touch, when to touch, and why it’s 10x more important than you think it is
  • The 5 mistakes you’re making right now that are preventing you from getting laid
  • Tons and TONS more content… you aren’t going to want to miss this. It’s not a ‘lair talk,’ it’s a full-on, 4-hour workshop

More info and signup is on the NYC Lair website. Click here for more details.

I’ll also be posting dates and info on my Spring 2010 boot camp schedule (including two major NYC SuperConferences, 21 Convention Info, and Intensive Immersion Course info) in the next few days so watch for that..

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Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News,Pickup,Training

Hey guys, quick update…

A Hollywood producer is working with me on a documentary about the seduction community and is looking for new students who are willing to be filmed on camera. In addition to what could be overnight celebrity status, you’ll also receive thousands of dollars worth of discounted and free training. You’ll have to be located in the greater LA area but this is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who’s been wanting to get good at this but just doesn’t have access to the cash to pay for top-notch training.

Note that you do NOT have to have any experience with pickup. In fact, the producer is actually looking for newer guys to be a part of this.

I know what some of you guys are thinking. “I’d love to do this but oh crap I don’t want to be potentially seen on nationwide movie screens as some newbie who can’t get laid.”

I know you’re thinking this because I thought the exact same thing when I was about to do the Dr. Phil show several years ago. I almost didn’t do it. But I decided to take the shot because I had recently adopted a new life philosophy, and that was that if I was ever on the fence about a particular situation, I’d always err on the side of action.

It was something I had learned from a Carlos Xuma interview a long time ago, and I still live it to this day. It was the philosophy that propelled a 30-day solo North and South American tour even while knowing that I didn’t speak a lick of Spanish. It was the philosophy that got me to break off from the old company and start my own company. And it’s the philosophy that I live every day of my life because it enables me to live knowing that I’m minimizing the one emotion I never want to feel:


I never want to feel that “shoulda woulda coulda” feeling again. I’d rather try and fail than never to have tried at all.

In the end, my Dr. Phil show aired to a nationwide audience, showing not only me, but my wing Kamouflage as well. It showed us as newbies, perhaps the worst thing imaginable considering we were both coaching at the time. And that’s in addition to any family or personal life fiascoes that could have happened.

But guess what?

That episode came and went and nobody cared. In fact, Kamo’s friends (who were not aware of his community involvement) called him from the gym, excited that one of their buddies was famous! All of our fears and anxieties and insecurities about being shown negatively (and if you saw the episode, you know just how negative it was) were figments of our imagination. In the real world, they never happened.

So imagine the kind of regret I’d feel if I never did it because I was afraid. I can live with a little embarrassment, or shame, or even humiliation (even though it never came). But I cannot live with regret. Especially regret due to fear.

Carpe Diem, gents. Seize the day.

3/22/2010 Update: Spots have been filled for the documentary. Thanks to everyone who auditioned..



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News,Pickup,Training

In case you didn’t recognize the charmingly handsome fellow in the video, that’s me. 🙂 What you’re watching is a ‘teaser’ trailer to the documentary that’s being produced by Dream, the organizer of the esteemed 21 Convention superconference event which I spoke at (and about) last year in 2009. In case you missed the free, 2 hour lecture from my 2009 speech, check it out.

Of particular note is that today is the last day you can get discounted tickets to the event, so if you’ve been procrastinating on this, now yesterday would be a great time to be proactive.

In fact, I highly recommend the live event in Orlando as not only do you get 4 days of awesome lectures from key players in this field, but El Topo and I (along with some of the other instructors) always do additional free training events afterward. Some guys even take students out into the field for free! That’s worth the cost of admission by itself.

At the end of the day, though, if taking care of this part of your life isn’t worth the couple of hundred bucks that you might otherwise spend on eating out and Starbucks, then you simply don’t want it bad enough. The desire must be there or no amount of training will help. If you truly want to get better, then take these opportunities. You’re selling yourself short if you hesitate and let them pass you by.

For those of you who ARE committed to this, sign up now and I’ll throw in a free 30-minute 1-on-1 phone coaching session! That’s worth almost $100 just by itself. Email me if you have questions or if you’ve signed up and are ready to schedule your coaching call.

I also want to say thanks to all the guys who have enrolled in my 1-day immersion course last weekend and this coming weekend. I honestly did not expect to get that kind of response, but that’s good because it means you guys are dedicated and it means that I’ll definitely be doing these types of events in the future. Stay tuned for more info on future boot camps and training events. I’m currently planning New York, San Francisco, and Austin, TX. I may also be heading to Toronto again this summer along with another 30-day Americas Tour in the fall.

It’s gonna be a busy year, gents. Time to stop thinking about things and start DOING..


February 4, 2010

Valentine’s Day Sales

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Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News,Pickup,Training

Hey guys,

There’s been a crapload of things going on here lately that I need to post about but I wanted to throw this out there real quick before I forget.

I’m basically offering two big sales right now that are good until Valentine’s day. Like BIG sales. 50%-off-big. And in typical procrastinator fashion, I was really going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but considering one of them kind of takes place this Saturday, I figured I should probably get a move on.

So here’s the deal. [Read More]

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Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: General,Uncategorized

Some random humor courtesy of the internet. For being from a non-community source, it’s remarkably accurate. And oddly enough, uses some of our terminology.
