Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: General
There’s something I’ve seen recently that I want to bring up because it’s a super common sticking point that has recently regained popularity. It’s this whole “chode” thing. I remember how damaging it was back in the day to a lot of guys, only back then we called it something else. This ‘new’ version isn’t any different. I guess it really shows you how cyclical things are in pickup.
Back in 2004-2005 (when I had to walk to school in the freezing snow… uphill… both ways…), we came across a strange phenomenon in the community. Guys who were coming from so-called “AFC” backgrounds were becoming obsessed with proving that they were no longer human doormats. They had grown so tired of the feeling of powerlessness that they had made it their personal quest to become exactly the opposite. Now when a woman asked them to buy them a drink at the bar, these men were armed with an arsenal of witty comeback lines. When a women tried to shit test them or control frame, they were prepared with re-frames. And when an old lady fell down the stairs, they walked right by her, showing how “unreactive” they could be. You know, to show her how “alpha” they were.
Wait… What? [Read More]
Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: General

I was talking to Eric/Hypnotica today at Johnny Soporno’s Las Vegas AVN event and he brought up an interesting point. We were talking about where the community is heading and the recent influx of new instructors and Hypnotica pointed out that there’s no sense of respect among the new guys these days. He was referring to all the bad mouthing going on recently, from people trash-talking Ross to David D to Mystery and so on. It reminded me of what comedian Aries Spears said about the Soulja Boy – Ice T feud. The basic premise being that a lot of times the younger generations forget where they came from. They forget that the elder generations paved the way for them. Nothing going on today would be possible without the work of those who came before us. In the Marine Corps we almost worship the “Old Corps” Marines from yester-year. I’m not saying that we should go to that extreme, but Eric had a really good point – no matter how you feel about RJ or Mystery or any of the old timers, they deserve a lot of respect for making all of this possible. How easy we forget that in our current self-absorbed world.
On that note, I’m going to call my parents and see how they’re doing..
Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: General
Do you have your New Year’s Resolution yet? Let me guess… it’s either something to do with being more healthy, working on yourself (dating or otherwise), or spending more time with family and friends.
But c’mon. Let’s be realistic here. Most people don’t actually do ANYTHING long term with their resolutions. Did you make a resolution last year and fulfill it? Probably not.
January 1 is the biggest self-deception day of the year. Come Jan 1, 2010, most people should make a resolution to stop making resolutions. Instead, they should be [Read More]
Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: Current Events,Pickup,Self Improvement
Photo by EuphoriaLuv
So I’m addicted to the new TV show Flash Forward, about something that causes the entire world to black out for 2 minutes while seeing a vision of their lives 6 months in the future. It’s a really, really good show so far – if you haven’t seen it yet, I’d highly recommend it. Just remember that it’s like lays potato chips – you can’t have just one. You’ve been warned.
One of the things in particular that struck me about the show was the really progressive interracial and gay relationships between various characters. There’s both a blasian (Black + Asian) and lesbian+interracial relationship, both of which are pretty rare, especially in Hollywood. Some are even saying that it’s the first-ever [Read More]
Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: Nightlife,Pickup
The other day I got a really good question from “Mike” who commented on The 21 Convention Footage. Which, by the way, is going insane with comments. 72 comments and building lol. It was such a good question and so commonly asked that I figured I’d answer it here.
Mike said:
I just saw this talk and Ratisse’ talk and I have a question about ejecting from conversations, because I see a method conflict.
Fuji makes the point that you should maximize your interactions by staying in them until you are asked to leave but not just when your audience shows disinterest.
On the other hand Ratisse describes a strategy for working bars/clubs/parties where you have short conversations with a good chunk of the people you are not ‘targeting’ . Then while the groups are comfortable, you try and [Read More]
Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: General
Colombia – Click for full size
At the risk of getting all Tony Robbins on my dear readers, I want to share a quick story about the power of asking for what you want. This actually just happened today while flying back home.. I’m literally writing this blog post on the plane back to California.
The day starts like any other, except that I’m in Colombia, everything is mad cheap, and the coffee is, well, Colombian. I check out of the [Read More]
Written by DJ Fuji
Topics: General

One of my big pet peeves in this industry is the spread of misinformation and just plain bad advice by “gurus” who couldn’t teach their way out of a paper bag. Not only are these so-called teachers ruining their own credibility, but they are damaging the progress and belief systems of their students, whom most of the time don’t know any better.
I had one student recently with really bad inner game who told me that he worked with a coach who told him [Read More]