
Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: Sexuality

Special treat for you guys today. Recently had the opportunity to interview my good friend Dan Rose from The Sex God Method. We talked pretty extensively on sexuality, dominance, sexual stamina, being good in bed, interracial dating, and a bunch of other stuff. Dan’s Sex God Method and ebook are some of the best selling and most extensive resources available on sexuality and being great in bed. Check out the videos below.




Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News,Pickup,Training

Big thanks to everyone who attended the first annual Global Pickup Conference last week. It was a packed house and the other coaches and I volunteered two free infield sessions on Friday and Monday. It was a crazy event. I spoke on Sunday on “Dominance” and why it’s important in pickup and in life. Look for it on the DVDs when they are released.

The event hosts also presented me with the “best fundamentals” award which was pretty cool, despite it looking like a Mystery- [Read More]



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: General

For this week’s tip I decided to give away some of my favorite routines, sound bites, and humor techniques. “Sound bites” is a term that I stole from my old wing Philos (who was featured on the infield insider and who is still to this day one of my most skilled wings) who confessed one day that much of his amazingly effective humor came from the thousand of so soundbites that he had memorized over the years. I didn’t understand this at the time (Philos, if you’re reading this, this was in 2006 when we were at the kaleidoscope mall together), but I later started to acquire my own “sound bank” of witty quips, comebacks, and funny one-liners and it all made sense.

In a ‘pickup’ type interaction, most humor comes from combining general technique (e.g., sarcasm, [Read More]



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News Click to View

I’ve been kind of behind on updating you guys with news and stuff so here are a few updates.

First and foremost, the long-anticipated 21 Convention Documentary Series titled “The Community Tapes” just launched earlier this week with yours truly starting things off. [Read More]


April 30, 2010

NYC Conferences


Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: News,Pickup,Training

Quick reminder for those of you not on my email list that I’ll be speaking back-to-back at two giant New York City conferences next month. I’ll be speaking alongside some of the biggest names in the industry (Ross Jeffries, BradP, Love Systems, etc.) over three days each weekend and may offer discounted infield training while I’m in the city. If you live on the East Coast, you don’t want to miss this.
[Read More]



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: Tip of the Week

I'm so tempted to troll this caption with pickup company names

Hey guys,

Another (relatively) quick tip of the week here. Last week Dan from WordOfDan commented on the dancing monkey syndrome:

I’m curious how you’d suggest guys using routines adopt this mindset. After all, if you’re learning a line someone else gave you, that THEY found funny and had success with, it seems like it would come off at best, dancing monkey. Your physical jokes seem to be able to bypass that a little bit, but what about other people’s stories, teases, etc.?

Really, really good question that I probably should have thought about in the original article. I’ll expand upon this more in a future segment of my Routines Series Articles, but the short answer is to follow the same [Read More]



Written by DJ Fuji         Topics: General

This week’s Tip of the Week is a special request from blog reader Frozen Flame who wants more information and actual examples of the “self-amusement” concept.

But before we get too deep into it, let’s first back up and actually make sure we understand the idea. Self-amusement is something I believe I first heard about from the esteemed Tyler Durden of Real Social Dynamics, one of the most well-respected men in this industry and someone who had a huge impact on my own development, both as a practitioner and as a coach.

Although I’m sure the concept had been around forever, Tyler was the first to initially codify it for me.

The basic premise is this: [Read More]